Salon de Refuses 2022

The Wausau Museum of Contemporary Art held an exhibition in 2022 showcasing artworks that were previously rejected from other exhibitions. Essentially a "Salon des Refusés" style show where pieces not accepted in a primary selection are displayed together. This concept originates from the historical Salon des Refusés in France where rejected artworks from the official Paris Salon were exhibited, often sparking controversy and showcasing new artistic movements. 

This show was on display from April 1st through July 2nd, 2022.

Best of Show: Nanci France-Vaz

Second Place: Jason Lee Gimbel

Third Place: Kurt Kreissl

Honarable Mentions:

JuliAnne Jonker

Marc Duquette

Kerra Taylor

Kara Lasiewicz

Deirdre Sullivan-Beeman

Pamela Knoll

Daniel John O’Neil

Jason Lee Gimbel

George Nickels

Alayne Sahar

Taja Gant

Mary Catherine Solberg

Eric Kunsman

Roberta Masciarelli

Mark Weller

David E. Morris


Exhibitour 2022


JuliAnne Jonker 2022